Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |


Thanks to all that came out. It was a hoot. It is hard to cook that much bacon. Made it through 10 pounds or so. There is still beer somehow. Was great to have that many people over throughout the day. Slept till 12:30 Sunday. Good times.

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Back in 2007 I gave the apple wood smoked bacon at Ideal my best endorsements. Later on I found out that it was Nueske’s, and Ideal started labeling it as such. Well my bacon consumption has gone way down, but I could always go to Ideal and get it. But for the last couple months […]

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tastefully simple cracklin bacon crisps

My mom got me some cracklin bacon crisps for xmas. They looked pretty good, but sat in the pantry for a while. I had run out of zesta crackers while making mac and cheese and figured these would work well. They are loosely packaged and have a unique and random shape. They were delicious. I […]

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Niman Ranch dry cured bacon

It has been a long time since I have wrote about bacon. My bacon intake has severely reduced and I use Burgers bacon for most bacon including meals. Picked up the Nimans Ranch bacon at the new Trader Joe’s. My bacon snobbery involves only using dry cured bacon, and this brand fits the bill. It […]

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Le Quartier now making frozen pizza

Was wondering through the newly expanded and remodeled Open Harvest and saw that LeQuartier had three variations of frozen pizza on their crusts. There was a meat one, a veggi, and this pizza lyonnaise one I picked up. Creamy leek sauce (cream, leek, feta, garlic, salt), artichoke hearts, mushrooms (portobella, button), bacon, onion, salt. Seems […]

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Welshire thick cut smoked bacon

So Friday eve we were making some mac and cheese and I realized I had no bacon. That might seem strange for me to be out of bacon, I am just saving a lot of it for other things. I did remember that I had some in the freezer I had picked up on my […]

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Dude to eat nothing but bacon for a month. Now for the fine print: “Bacon” shall hereafter refer to the cured and smoked fatty cuts of pork, either back, side or belly. In other words “American bacon”. No “Canadian bacon”, which is really just lunchmeat. No pork chops. No turkey bacon. No “tofacon” or any […]

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The bacon explosion As of Thurs evening I recieved my 7th person telling me about this article in the NYT. I am absolutely honored to be a source of bacon info. Thing is I think I am able to offer something beyond the current bacon craze / meme that has sweeped the internets lately. I […]

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