Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |

CAT | mental vomit

^Fuggles rocking my boxers^ So since we are all domesticated we have chores split up and Theresa does the laundry while I mow and other stuff. Theresa simply cannot understand how I go through many pairs of boxers per week. I fold them when I can but if she does it she seems to mention […]

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Never been a cologne user. Perfume never really does it for me. And my venture into man soap has not been very enjoyable. I usually use straight up Dove or Ivory, but had some Dove green tea and cucumber and their lavender soaps for a while. The smell is very light and not too bad. […]

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So at work they have hauled out the CHRISTmas tree and I am gonna throw a fit and demand they have a beer volcano and stripper factory as well to acknowledge my pastafarisim. Oh and I was at the porn store buying a Princess Diana life size rubber Fist and the clerk Did not wish […]

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I wish I had an office at work

My cube is next to the phone ladies. They deal in all things phone wired and wireless. And they talk all day long. They were just talking about their wedding cakes they keep in their freezer. One ate one 12th of hers last night with her husband and then put it back in the freezer. […]

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I gots spots but they going bye bye

There is a fungus amungus all, but it messes with me. Tinea versicolor is in simplest terms a collection of yeast and fungus that causes spots. We all have it on our skin, but for me about every two years it freaks out. I think I was about 15 when I first noticed it. We […]

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Man I am really struggling with the posts today. Been a pretty rough one here. I am still at work and it be about 8 PM, got a few more hours to go. So at work we are still recovering from the issue about a month back. When I came over here there were about […]

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So Mr. T said something like “didn’t you go to culinary school” when we first met. Not sure if he was joking around or not. But no I have no formal training. But recently I have really enjoyed cooking. Specially from raw stuff. There is that one lady on the food porn channel who makes […]

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hi (waving at screen)

Little sweepy today. Had an awesome time at the show last night. Been working some late hours again lately and gonna get a little break this afternoon. Washer repair guy is coming at noon to fix the washer. I know I said it was fixed, but it wernt. Good thing is the parts are covered […]

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My pledge: a pic in every post, at least 5 posts a day (cept weekends), and free tiny american flags ($39.95 S&H). Seriously yall, register up and add some stupid / cool stuff here. This is a community, join into it, comment a few times and I will make you an author.

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