Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |

CAT | bacon

While playing Ingress I have visited many towns around Lincoln. One of the teams favorite cities to throw fields over Lincoln from is Dorchester near Crete. Dorchester is the home of City Slicker’s Bar & Grill. It has a bit of everything, pool, dance floor, megatouch, live music with the best instrument from, a […]

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Burgers’ Bacon Steak Cuts

Burgers is the best packaged bacon I can find locally. No water is injected into the bacon, it is dry cured. The pieces are 1/4 inch thick and cooked up nicely.

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Bacon = Awesome. Jerky = Awesome. How could anyone ever decide between these two meat snacks? We’ve explained that you don’t have to, Go Bacon is available for those who want that bacon taste with the jerky convenience. Luckily, these meat snacks are readily available. Every breakfast joint serves bacon concoctions and every convenience store […]

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“Bacon, not stirred,” says Mr. Bond

thanks Voyeur

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Boiling bacon seems really odd to me

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sliced gold

With the bacon at Ideal changing I cannot find any decent bacon around here. I had to order up some Scott Hams bacon. This stuff is the best I have ever had. It is so salty and smoked that Theresa will not eat it and they do not even ship it cold. Got 6 pounds […]

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Back in 2007 I gave the apple wood smoked bacon at Ideal my best endorsements. Later on I found out that it was Nueske’s, and Ideal started labeling it as such. Well my bacon consumption has gone way down, but I could always go to Ideal and get it. But for the last couple months […]

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My pledge: a pic in every post, at least 5 posts a day (cept weekends), and free tiny american flags ($39.95 S&H). Seriously yall, register up and add some stupid / cool stuff here. This is a community, join into it, comment a few times and I will make you an author.

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