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Lincoln’s best bacon looses the crown I gave it. And I have no clue who to give the crown to now


Back in 2007 I gave the apple wood smoked bacon at Ideal my best endorsements. Later on I found out that it was Nueske’s, and Ideal started labeling it as such. Well my bacon consumption has gone way down, but I could always go to Ideal and get it. But for the last couple months it was not in stock. I heard a rumor that Nueske’s has changed stuff up and possibly gone to another method for making their delicious bacon. The nice fella at Ideal let me know it was changed, but nobody has complained yet.

Well let me be the first to complain. Right away I noticed needle marks in the bacon. That means they are injecting brine to speed up curing. I am not 100% sure they dry cured before, but always figured they did. That was a major blow, but I gave it a try. The result was a lackluster that hardly compares to their products in the past. Maybe I got a bad batch, it was above mediocre, but I did not want to finish it all. And it was only four pieces.

I now need to know where the Green Gateau gets its bacon, because that stuff absolutely rules. Once I find out I will order it by the case and freezy bag the crap out of it. If anyone deserves a crown it is them.

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