I had about 2.5 ounces of whipping cream, loaded it in the bottle, and carbed the crap out of it. Did not hear the regulator whine, but I knew the gas was strong. Figured the best way to test was to invert and use the spring loaded valve to squirt out the whipped / carbo […]
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Did some OJ tonight. It was really strange. OJ is cloudy and pretty thick. It foamed up huge and when poured creamed up a ton. The carb flavor makes it more tart according to Theresa. I think I might need to strain the pulp cuz it makes a film on the top. Not bad, but […]
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Or you could just make it in 3 minutes with a carbonator 😉 Man I need a mustachios
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crappy pompei citrus juices and too cheap spices at open harvest
No comments · Posted by beerorkid in me make food
So been carbonating the sparkly water and wanted to try some other flavors. i like the minute maid lemon juice and wanted to try lime. So I grabbed some of these pompei juices and tested them out. They are very weak, like no power at all. Not worth it at all. Headed to open harvest […]
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So I got the carbonator and hard liquor was suggested often so here we go. Picked up some smirnof, poured some in a 20 oz bottle, attached the hose and shook for about a minute. This was room temp and there is no sugar or protein in vodka so no foam, but I could hear […]
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carbonating that which shall not be carbonated
6 Comments · Posted by beerorkid in random crap
I picked up a carbonator and started rocking those things that should not be carbonated. Starting with raspberry lemonaid and I will not stop. I will do orange juice, milk (can someone who drinks milk try it for me?) and we plan on Hiwaiian punch, plus koolaid, and tons of other things. My goal is […]
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I am working on building a retaining wall with these little suckas. It is convienent, and cheaper than glass bottles. The neatest thing is how it dispenses the beer. Inside the keg is a unique and patented carbonator pressure unit, releasing CO2 to keep the pressure at 1 bar. This allows for a crisp quality […]
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