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oh a reason to go to work

oh man. Short story. I was asked to build some super awesome PC’s for work. I researched and worked with our HP agent. I put together 5 bad ass machines.

Ya see at work some peeps need to have multiple test environments, multiple OS’s. With a good workstation you can have virtual machines running. We are big fans and users of vmware products. Some use the workstation at work. I just use the free vmware server at home, and plan to use it at work.

Anyways I helped build them, but never got to use one. I run ubuntu on a decent machine, but it has no graphics or power. I made a slight rip on my puter today and my NA said “use this one.” It was one of the killer machines I helped build that had been thrown back into the pool after one of our programmers moved on. it had been used as many different things for quite some time, but now I get to use it as my main work PC.

The thing is amazing. Set it up today, but did not use it as my primary one yet. It is gonna be really cool though. I can actually use XGL/compiz, run a virtual winders box, and just rock out a bit more. Cool puters are cool.

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