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2 kinds of farmers market bacon

on the left is Franks smokehouse it was really smoky smelling, but looked really faty and not very smoke colored. It did not shrink like most brine solution filled bacon, but ended up looking about the same. Skillet on medium like normal. It was really thin so it was really crisp. Decent bacon, but nothing about it impressed me.

To be fair to Franks smokehouse. They make some of the most amazing jerky I have ever tasted. It is large strips that are very thick. They dry it severely, yet it is moist when you open the package. The seasonings and flavor are amazing. Make sure to pick some up if you are at the farmers market.

On the right is an awesome gift once again from my wifes dad (frozen in the pic). It looks positively evil. Smoked to the max, and covered in black pepper, from Harvest valley Foods. Apparently picked up at some farmers market. They so good to me 🙂 It resides in my freezer right now till I am ready.

Thanks to Boomer for suggesting Super Saver smokehouse. I have tried it once, but the different locations seem to be unique.

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