Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



I have met one of my goals in life

I just have a thing for doggies in clothes, it is so funny. So Fuggles has been a little bitch when it comes to letting me mess with her. I got a good scratch when she was much younger, trying to fit her in some boxers.

Well last night we were watching some Heroes (made it to episode 16 so far) and fuggles was passed out on my bed. All groggy I was able to get the shirt on her and she looked so pathetic. As you can see I failed to get the boxers all the way on. She gets squirmy. Although I got a bunch of pics and then felt sorry for her and took it off. Replacing with a nice hankie.

she looks so evil in these pics. I bet it was cuz she was pissed off.





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