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CAT | wii



new Super Mario bros wii looks awesome

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wii sports resort pretty cool

The above review is very honest and shows what you can do. We picked the game up last night and an extra motion plus. The extra motion plus was $20 so it was a bit of an investment to get the game and an extra motion plus. The games are fun and the motion plus […]

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Mario Kart Wii hackers suck

You only have to watch for a bit to see what is going on. If you have homebrewed your wii you can install a cheat program that allows you to trigger items that you set as often as you like. It really really sux and makes the game unplayable. You have to get out and […]

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cover flow USB loader for the wii

So you have a wii and want to protect your expensive game disks, speed up load times, and not have to switch out disks to play a game, well a USB loader is the answer. Simple splainin: You attach a USB hard drive to your wii and use a SD card to load a new […]

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Muscle March is a really strange wii game

will be released May 26th

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looking for a fun new wii game

We love Mario Kart, well most Mario stuff Wii fit We are going to rent some to see whats up. Any suggestions on some cool new ones or faves?

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playing with your butt (Rabbids)

Rented this silly game since we like the earlier releases and this one lets you play with the balance board. Theresa likes the racing with her butt down the slopes on a cow game. The games are silly as usual and some of the balance board games are cool, butt (tee he he) some of […]

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Wii Fit is kicking my behind

My parents have a wii fit and love it. They got us one for christmas and we played a bit last night. We both were able to unlock super hula hoop which is brutal. I wiggled my arse around in a circle so much I think I rebroke my collarbone. I set my goal to […]

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