So you have a wii and want to protect your expensive game disks, speed up load times, and not have to switch out disks to play a game, well a USB loader is the answer. Simple splainin: You attach a USB hard drive to your wii and use a SD card to load a new channel on the wii that allows you to load your games onto the hard drive from which your games will play. The same principal has been going on with PC gaming and some consoles for years. The method requires no 3rd party chips, cracking open the case, or soldering of your wii.
There are a few issues though, mainly the wii is picky about the hard drives it will work with, there are many different USB loaders out there, installing it is pretty involved, and some stability issues occur. I messed with it for a few days and ended up having to purchase a hard drive that is well known to be very compatible for the wii, a Segate freeagent go USB powered micro external HD.
This is the best guide I could find for the software version my wii is at.
Wii USB Devices Compatibility List
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