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Uma….. super ex girlfriend

was not as bad as the critics make it out to be, not toooooo great either, but dont expect much and you will be fine. Had some pretty good parts in it, and the ending is pretty neato. starship, college ID, matanee, or DVD and you will not feel jipped. This aint no kill bill.

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Apparently paris hilton freshens her whoretastic mouth with it. The thing about it is that it is supposed to last forever. Well it actually does. And being sugar free, it is chok full of bitching chemicals. I have always wanted a third testicle, third nipple, third eye, extra wang, you get the picture. I figure […]

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40 year old virgin on HBO WTF?

awesome movie, funny as hell, possibly the best of all last year in the comedy catagpry. Sure it is raunchy, and a little over the top. We saw it in the theatre. being commie, socialist, Godless, anti semetic, pinko, dirty, druggie, sexual deviant, molesting, peterast, homosexual, anti-American, troop hating, flag burning, liberals, it was a […]

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Flying dog brewery: snake dog IPA

flying dog snake dok IPA purdy yummy, kind of thick, punches your mouth with intense hop flavor. Smells awesome with the columbus dry hopping. Was quite impresses with it, as I am with all of their offerings. We have been to the brewery in Denver. They have some huge ass tanks. The pub on the […]

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Lipton cold brew tea

oh man this is good. I messed with the sun tea for a bit at work. got messy, took forever. These cold brew tea bags rule. I use two bags for 16 oz of water and it takes about 5 minutes. Much better than a dew any day 😉

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Serfas sike multi lense sunglasses

their site a friend of mine told me a simple rule concerning buying sunglasses. “under $5 or over $50” well I have been following the first part of that rule unknowingly for about 20 years now 😉

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These things are fricking good. I am not a morning person, I can hardly get to work on time. I for sure do not have time to make breakfast. So when I get to work I have one of these. There is like a yougurt coating on the bottom. They are packed with gooey granola, […]

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Cheerwine mmmmm…..

mmmmmmmm………. guess this has been around for quite some time, but it is new to Lincoln. Comes from the south. It is basically a sweet cherry flavored soda/pop. According to wikipedia it is more carbonated than regular soda/pop. I saw adverts for it at the rib ranch, did not try it though. Saw it down […]

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