Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



Zoey is 4 months old and 21 pounds


Theresa put beef stick candles in her food to celebrate. I go by years though.

Zoey has been awesome. We only have piddles every couple days, she is no longer soiling her kennel, knows what “outside” means, has signaled when she needs to go out, makes it down the steps by herself, she sleeps with me every night with no issues besides her hogging most of the bed, and made it through the kitty door for the first time tonight. She loves toys and runs around the house with them like crazy. Her favorite is a huge nylabone which she can hardly carry. Once she found the toy box it was over. She pulls them all out and spreads them around rooms. Her sleep barking is getting really strange. She snores like crazy, but does these little whimper barks. Sometimes the barks wake her up and she is startled big time. Keeps barking and tries to get up and run but her back legs are not quite awake.

Fuggles has been awesome. She is training Zoey so well. They tear through the house and Fuggles keeps her from doing bad things. Thunky and Zoey wrassle a bunch too. Thunky gets some good swipes in, but Zoey seems to win. Thunky runs to a hiding spot only to attack a few seconds later. The noises the cat makes is strange as hell. Our family has gone from chilling, to insane romp room with the loss and new addition. Good times.

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