Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



food stuffis


Theresa picked me up some books.

Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
Made up my first batch of dough last night and will let you know how it goes.

Alton Brown I’m Just Here for the Food: Version 2.0
I can’t ever get enough Alton. A friend hooked me up with his kitchen gadget book and this one should be mostly review of stuff I have learned, but I will read it bunches of times.

So normally I read on the toilet, butt since I am not a raging drunk anymore and eat tons of fiber rich apples I do not spend much time on the throne. So last night I actually read a book on the couch. Was really really strange.

We are looking for some fresh meal ideas. Got some good tips over on the forum. Cuz we are so stuck in a rut that it usually is gravy on something.




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