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Western digital My Book 500gb

So at work we needed a USB external USB drive to make some file transfers a bit easier. A nice guy headed to Best Buy and picked one of these bad boys up. I had looked into these since they are pretty cheap and although not networkable, they can be mounted to a PC and be shared on your network.

I had read that they only worked in windows or mac and you had to access some website to be able to use them. I had no idea he would come back with one, and was a bit bummed when it showed up. I had to test so I hooked it up to mu ubuntu linux box. It worked out of the box and I was able to create a folder, delete said folder, and share it on the network.

Sure you could just put a 500gb drive in your PC, but this is very nice. I will be getting one for myself here sometime. heck my RAID 5 ubuntunas box only holds 600gb and it needs a whole PC.

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