Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



weeeeeeeeeeee T is trying to kill me and I am happy about it.


So I got my bannanaversary gift. It is the static jump package at the Lincoln sport parachute club. I loved my tandem jump she got me for our wedding and swore I would do it again. Well now I can.

Theresa made this cute letter for me. I captured the pic from her OOo doc. She rules.
The text in the letter:

For the past year I have been wracking my brain trying to think of a good anniversary gift for you. My first thought was a nice grill, but then you got one for free. Then I thought I’d get you your monitor, but I used that idea on X-mas and didn’t want to repeat a gift (yes I know you’d be very happy with another LCD monitor, but tough shit). Then, magically, you captured your tandem sky dive and a light went on in my head.

Seeing as your engagement gift was a tandem sky dive, I thought it fitting to continue (start?) the tradition. To start you on your way to becoming a certified skydiver, your gift is a Static Line course. This is the first step. You will get training and then jump out of a plane at 3000 feet ALL BY YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!
After your jump you will have the chance to buy the next 5 jumps for $200 ($50 savings), as part of your gift I will pay for half of this, or buy you 2 jumps.
Now all I need to do is get that million dollar insurance policy on you, and we’re all set for you to become a skydiver.

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