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trying some new sodapop

So after getting hooked on jones cane sugar cream soda I have been having a hankering for different soda’s. Over at SCS they were talking soda and I have started a quest. I heard that at some hispanic markets they have coke with the cane sugar. La Mexicana was mentioned. I stopped by a market on west O and picked up a coke in a bottle which said “sugar” so I hoped it was cane sugar, but then I saw the sticker which listed HFCS 🙁 The bottle cap did say “gracias for participar” on the underside.

I picked up an TopoSabores orange soda, and a senorial non alcoholic sangria. They both suck big time.

Ideal has a nice selection of different sodapops, do you know of any other places in this fine city that have a unique selection?

BTW: I drink diet dew at work. Warm.

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