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Tiff a hair master

She turned me from a long hair dirty hippie into a suave professional man in about 20 minutes. My inlaws have been going to her for quite sometime. My wife would go there and I would stay in the car, fearing of how she would want to cut my long luxourious hippie hair to shreds. Once I grew tired of being looked down by society I came to her for a tune up. One quick are you sure and it was over. Now I use styling products and “fit in” even though I am still a dirty hippie deep inside. She has been doing hair for a long time and is up on current trends. She does wonders on my Mother in laws hair and could help you out too.
I now am set up on an every three weeks schedule for trimmings, quite often compared to the yearly wife snippings I was used to.

Tiff is a really cool lady, drives a big 4X4 during the winter and a motercycle during warm months. She is funny and seems like a real person, not one of those prissy hair chicks.
Get your hair done up propper by tiff. Tell her you heard it from me.

Tiff Fredenburg
In Havelock

will get photo’s, Propper name, and an address here soon.

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