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the liberty van was in town yesterday


Lynda Farley was driving this van around the capitol and blasting “proud to be an American”. She saw me taking pictures and urged me to come over and get a tiny American flag and some printed materials. Most of it has to do with the freedom to smoke, but there were some zingers on the car. “green is the new red” She was smoking and waving a flag with her hand out the window.

Her smoking rights site

Info on the liberty van

interview with her about the van

This van is a Nissan Quest. I will NOT buy another one, nor any other
vehicle that does not have real ash trays and a cigarette lighter. We would
not have bought this one, except the dealership in Bowling Green, KY lied to
us. It is dangerous to drive due to no ash tray, and having to light cigarettes
either with a flame thrower, or from another cigarette. Poetic Justice:
This van has become internationally known as the Smoker’s Rights Van.

She is a Ron Paul supporter which explains a lot.

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About BorK

My pledge: a pic in every post, at least 5 posts a day (cept weekends), and free tiny american flags ($39.95 S&H). Seriously yall, register up and add some stupid / cool stuff here. This is a community, join into it, comment a few times and I will make you an author.

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