so i headed out to the park after dinner last night. Did not prdal once all weekend cuz of the heat, just got a tune up of sorts on the good bike, needed some dirt.
Well the park is filled with a bunch of wild life. I mad it to the bridge, chilled for a bit. And I started hearing some clicking noises. Freaked me for a bit, but figured it was frogs. Enjoyed my beverage in the pitch black, let my eyes adjust to the darkness and enjoyed the lightning bugs. Talked my self into keeping on. Saw so many eyes staring back at me, then scurring away. just possums, oh and a deer. The bats, ugh…. Had 4 swoop in front of my light, two of them ran into me. They are much softer than you would think 😉 Hit a spider web and had had enough. Turned my ass around and booked back.
I kept on seeing sparkly things on the trail. Kind of a blue green glitter. I saw a really big one and stopped to check it out. It was a huge furry spider. They were all over. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Oh and a flat tire which I knew would happen eventually. I have a 1 inch gash in my rear tire that I got recently from Tread Hunter. I had patched it with a huge automotive patch before. Well, it gave way. Did not have any dollars on me (strong cloth makes a good tire patch), so I used my laminated insurance card to get the rest of the way home. Still fun though.
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