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home made ravioli and bruchetta


So we watch good eats with alton brown all the time. He has helped us make a bunch of good stuff. We watched one on DVR on a sat morn about stuffed pasta. He showed how to make your own ravioli and we both smiled.
ravioli homemade

First batch did not go toooo well. I made each ravioli by hand, rolling circles, stuffing them, fold over. It took forever. But it was awesome. We got a pasta making rolleroutermajig, it was on. Used the same goop.

  • ricotta cheese
  • 3 cheese blend. parm, asiago, romano…
  • sun dried tomatoes
  • grilled chicken
  • spinach
  • garlic
  • and a bunch of herbs we have been growing

Theresa used a bunch of different tomatoes she could find to make the bruchetta, some toasted special infused olive oil she made, oh man it was good.

I make a basil, cheese cream sauce to pour over it. It good.

Seriously, we are gonna make hundreds of them one day. This was the last of the first batch we made with the pasta rolleroutermajig, made three great meals out of them.

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