Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |




So I took the truck in for an estimate after the little part of my remaining exhaust system fell off during trail repairs last year. Unfortunately everything from the front on back needs replacing.

Anyways went to Tuffy’s out on pine lake cuz I am meeting a few friend..
anyways I rode from there to work, then back after work to pick the truck up.

I figure maybe 4 miles each way with a jacket on for some reason and it was brutal, but exhilarating. Been a while since I got out on a ride longer than running the dog.

That is where I am right now. Too much good food over the cold season and not nearly enough riding. I see the posts about epic gravel and TNMWR’s and know I would get schmeared and am not ready yet.

Do me a favor. If you see me out on the bike poke me in my belly to keep me on track. Hope to see some of ya soon on rides. Cuz it is on 🙂

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