We live in a 102 year old house. I have lived here for about 5 years. We had a mouse problem in the past which we cured by building a decent pantry. I have never seen a roach till about a month ago. I have seen 3 since then. We picked up some roach bait to kick the issue in the butt.
Well the puppies got one of them and I have no clue which one got it. We have been in this kind of situation before. About 5 years ago the puppies got a bottle of ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is toxic to dogs and will shut down their liver. Once again we did not know which one ate all of them. There was the brown coating of a puke stain on the carpet. We took both to the vet and they got IV’s and charcoal treatment. That cost us over $500.00 It happened one more time and I got ipecac syrup to get them to throw up. After we got them home from an overnight stay I found the puked up pills behing the couch. That was a bunch of fun wasting all that $.
I noticed it at lunch, one of them got the bait behind the toilet. We freaked for a second cuz T said she picked up some black plastic when she made it home from lunch. Looked online and they say make the dog puke with hydrogen peroxide. We did not have any and well who knows which one got it. Fortunately it was only one and it is a small amount. Some sites say the poison is mixed with peanut butter, which is sneaky.
I took the afternoon off to watch the dogs for signs of poisoning, which was really nice. They both seem fine. Was a bit scary though.
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