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Our MEAT babies



We hit up Sam’s and bought some primals. I am a ribeye guy and she likes the tenderloins. Choice grade meat in these primals is insane priced and I can cut them up easily. Foodsaver FTW. I got 18 ten ounce ribeyes and she got 8 killer fillets.



Ground up all the trimmings to a high fat ground. It was too coarse to make a burger because it just fell apart on the grill, but I will do a 2nd grind for hopefully killer burgers.

It was a hefty investment, but so worth it. $7.96 per pound on the ribeye and $11.28 on the tenderloin. For choice grade that is insanely cheap. I absolutely love breaking them down. I had my knife sharp and did a great job. I now check the price for pound at grocery stores to see if I did good. Oh man. Not even choice grade are $13 for ribeye per pound. SCORE

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