Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



oh noes I dinged up my weeeeeeeeeeeenur

hat tip Spkthed


Let’s be frank: motor vehicle accidents aren’t much fun for anyone.

But when a 27-foot-long tube-steak spins out on a snow-covered highway, it’s bound to generate some grins.

That’s what happened Sunday to an Oscar Mayer Wienermobile on Route 15 about two miles south of Mansfield (at least it didn’t roll over).

The growler contained two “hotdoggers” — driver Emily Volpini, 22, of Lexington, Ky., and Caylen Goudie, 22, of Hinsdale, Ill. Although they didn’t relish the experience, they weren’t hurt, investigating state Trooper Rex Johnson said.

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