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Making bacon part 5


Just a slight update for now. I sliced some up and ate a few pieces with a friend that stopped by.
I was worried about the color for a while when curing, soaking, and putting it on the smoker grate. The smoke brought out the color really well as you can see in the pic above.

The jist:
– great smoke aroma and a good smoke bite in the flavor.
– had the oily feel and became translucent like other uber smoked bacon I have had.
– Color was a dark brown after being cooked, but went very pale once it hit the pan.
– Sweetness is there and made it caramelize and burn in the pan.
– very salty. Like scary salty. Seriously it is salty. WOW.

Mission severely accomplished though. I wanted to recreate my favorite bacon and it is so close it is scary.


You can see the dried salt on the pieces. It is that salty.


I plan on cooking some up tomorrow for breakfast and will post more later.

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