Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



happy whatever this state worker holiday is


A suggestion to maybe paint the kitchen again made friday night turned into a 3 day weekend adventure. A maroon trim with a light tan wall complete with tile on three areas for back splashes is the plan. Cleaned and cleaned Sat, primer everything and start on trim took up most of the day Sunday. Monday a second coat of maroon on the trim and put the kitchen back together. Theresa will grab the tan paint Wednesday and we go from there.

Pulled out the worst cabinets ever made. They were thin sheet metal and never closed and mostly stored glasses. When we pulled them down this funky wallpaper was there. Along with 3-5 coats of paint. It has to be really old. The house is 107 years in age. We plan on replacing cabinetry one piece at a time over the winter to get a decent functioning kitchen. We cook like crazy and have no room and the sink is horrible. But for now this will do. Making the cabinet doors chalkboard paint so that should be cool.



So posting light on monday. Enjoy the day. I will be crawling around on ladders and covered in paint.

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