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Lincoln bike lanes getting used pretty well

LJS article

User counts conducted twice in 2007 and once so far this year have shown a “significant” increase in bicycle traffic along those streets from before those lanes were installed, said Dave Cary, transportation planner for the city.

And though more bicyclists are taking to those streets, the number of bicycle-related crashes on those streets has not increased, Cary said.

“Motorists, especially those who live in the city and who work or go to school downtown, have learned pretty quickly how to maneuver with bike lanes installed,” Cary said.

During a bicycle count on April 16, about 100 bicyclists used 11th Street during a six-hour period, with only 33 using the sidewalk, Cary said.

On the 23rd, 142 bikes were counted on 14th Street during a six-hour period, and of those, only 17 used the sidewalks, Cary said.

Lincoln is moving in the right direction as far as becoming more bicycle-friendly, Cary said.

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