Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



dude looks like a lady


Headed to the vet and found out Kittythunkle is a boy. Theresa is fine with the name which is not too gender specific, so Thunkle is his short name. That is two dumb as hell names I have been able to give animals in a row. I rule. Theresa had some girl names, but she is fine calling him kitty. The vet showed me the cat penis, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww……. His balls have not descended yet.
We have slowly gotten him used to the dogs and vice versa. Little bugger does not have cat aids, but has worms. Medicine should take care of it and we have a vial to give in two weeks to kill them good. He is 10 weeks they think so about two months and the boys get cut.

Still not sure why we have a cat, but feel good that we rescued a little guy who would of had a bum life in our neighborhood. Oh the vet clipped the sharp nails and encouraged us to keep up on it. It is amazing how a good clippin neutralized those daggers of doom. We have been playing with his paws to get him used to me messing with them. Sharp claws suck. We do not plan on declawing him even though he will be an indoors cat. It seems to be a bit cruel.

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