Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



it was a bunch of fun


Pic from Pafford

I really thought I would not be nervous, but I got on stage and started shaking. I really did not have many jokes, but my slides got laughs. The twats were positive. Going first is a bit scary, but I felt I did good. A good amount of ums.. and getting a bit lost. Plus the mic stand was sitting on the cord so for the first minute I was stuck in one spot. By the 3rd minute I was rollin.

The other 15 presenters made for a great night. I will go back to see these whenever they happen. The bourbon was so packed. There was a shortage of chairs. The place was darn near full.

I was very happy to be invited to do it. Good times. Once the vids come out I will post for sure.

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