Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



I would pour out some of my 40, but that would just add to the flooding in wilderness park

So bummed to see this. Shawn Doné sent me this vid he made of the storm and the state of wilderness park. I know wilderness park is supposed to flood when the salt creek gets too high, but this is very sad to see.

the storm from Shawn Doné on Vimeo.

Thanks for the vid Shawn. Hope to see you on the trail if it ever dries.

Check out his amazing lightning photos here

EDIT: Karl checked out the trail and provided an update.

I went back in there last weekend to check on a few spots, and
clear blow-down. It was very wet, flooded in spots, and not in
any way rideable. As it goes with floods, some places are
eroded, other places have had silt and sand deposited. I
saw some places that had gained 6 inches of silt, and that helps
fill in the “cupping” we get in the tread.

The first repair you folks did, the “dam” held up very well!
I seeded it with blue and side-oat gramma, and the roots kept
the soil on top.

The second repair, under the bridge did well. there was some
erosion, but not much. the only real problem is that the north
side ditch filled in with silt. On the bonus side, there is a
large deposit of white sand on the bank or the creek that cam be
moved into the trail.

The third, where we just placed rock over the fabric… well
we didn’t put soil on that because we didn’t quite have a
handle on where the water was going to go. Now we know. Lots
and lots of water comes right down the trail, over the berm
in the corner and down to the “dam”. The water moved quite
a bit of the rock around, and the fabric is exposed in places.
It won’t be hard to fix, but something will have to be done
to keep it from happening again.

Post this if you want. The important message is:

(BTW, I found someone’s cell phone out there, contact me to reclaim it).


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