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heat, eat, and review

I like food blogs. Always looking for something new to try and make, new stuff out there, and well funny commentary. I love the impulsive buy cuz the writer has a pretty good sense of humor. Looked at their links and found this gem.

Heat eat review is a food blog based entirely on microwaveable / frozen food products. It seems a few people are doing the reviews and well I could hardly eat that much microwave food, it is cool they spread the duty out. What I like about it the most is they will usually take a pic, sign their name in the box, and show the food after cooking. It is pretty cool to see how the product compares to the pic on the box.

I cannot remember the last time I ate a prepared microwave meal. I would guess a good 5 years ago I got a broccoli and cheese thing from green giant which sucked.

In other me make food news:
Theresa made her weekly brownies and I got pics of all the steps. I have to work on getting that post together and get Theresa to assist. We are going to make ravioli again here soon. It takes a lot of time and we make double or triple batches to justify the effort. Also the journal star had a nice article on free form lasagna. It sounds way too awesome to pass up. Plus I can put whatever I want in mine and Theresa can do the same. Spinach, cream cheese, and mushrooms will hit the spot for me.

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