had a great ride last night
No comments · Posted by beerorkid in bikes, biking community, lincoln, wilderness park
I had a spooky ride a few days ago
Sorry for the length of this post, but I am drunk typing 😉
Was really bummed about the mishaps I had had on the tues MWC ride. To add to the ride bummers, I severely bonked. Could not keep up worth a shit. Critters was awesome though.
I really wanted to head back out before the rain hits tomorrow. For the dirt was calling, I had replaced my borked hutch python 2.3 with a hutch 2.0 airlite on the rear. had to do another night ride, and I wasn’t about to get spooked.
Was one of the best rides I had done in quite some time. You know when it seems that you have the energy to push even harder then you can, and it never seems to deplete? Well this was one of those times for me. I carved that twisty singletrack. I have been through there a bunch lately and noticed some overgrowth, it pissed me off. I decided to go CVO on that shit. You know when you are heading out and right after you pass where the deer was, that branch smacks you in the face right after you avoid the metal thing on the path? Well it is gone for now.
Got to the “bog” and decided to eliminate the “fork of death”. Hey I removed it, I get to name what it used to be 😉
Broke off al the branches, and struggled with it till I broke it from it’s mounting, it is not an issue now.
made it to 14th and headed back on the hiker side. Well as you might know, they are working on the Jamiacia north trail currently. It will start a little past Satillo and head north to calvert in it’s 1st phase. They have already begun working on it (did you see all the spray painted posts on the tues night ride?. That means they have to convert the railroad rock before they lay down the weed barier and then cover it with crushed limestone. Well some huge ass machine has already gone down the first section of rail line you normally hit when you take the hiker side. The second time you come out it is still as it was.
it is like 6 inches of the most air filled light sand you have ever encountered. Sure there are still some big railroad rocks left over, like you see popping through the mopac trail, but it is little more than dust currently. No bike can traverse it, cept the Pugsly. I did find the middle was less squishy, but it was an extreme effort to even roll over it.
Made it back to the trail, pushed really hard, had a blast. Hit the graffiti bridge and tore down another “fork of death”
had a blast and took a bunch of pics shhhhhhh…….. that is my secret background gallery for pics on this site 😉
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