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Gary Busey commercial for the Amazon FireTV

We are really enjoying the Amazon Fire TV. I assume you know it is basically a very decent android tablet you plug into your TV. Just thought I would share pros and cons.

* The thing is powerful. Quad core processor, 2GB RAM, and dedicated GPU. It was a big step up from our ROKU 2 and it can handle anything we throw at it. It it basically a very decent android tablet you plug into your TV.
* Games play great, but the remote is hard to use. Should be better with the game pad. They are on backorder currently.
* Many of the apps are ported Google TV apps. I am so happy to have a real youtube app.
* You can multitask. Play a song on pandora while playing a game
* Voice search works very well for searching Amazon content. The OS is basically being inside the amazon streaming store and you can use apps.
* optical audio out made it possible for us to use it. Right now we cannot get audio from HDMI. It is a nice feature.

* No Google Music yet. Google Music requires Google Play Services which doesn’t function correctly yet.
* No PBS channel, but content can be found. They do have the Smithsonian channel though.
* voice search does not work in apps

The Amazon Fire TV is great on day one and should get better as more apps and updates are released. It fits in well with the streaming device family we have going on. Each has their place, and the Fire TV gets the prime living room location.

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