Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |




WARNING: contains poo content

That is not my back yard pictured above. I would not want you to see my back yard right now. This winter is just crushing me. I have not been in wilderness park since late November and the snow will not melt. My back yard is tiny, I have two 50 + pound dogs, and it has been a sheet of ice for months now. My garage blocks the sun and there is still frozen parts of the first snow we got this winter. Then layer after layer of dog leavings and more frozen snow. It is a fricking poo glacier.

Last night I just snapped and went out there and did what I could to get the not iced over parts cleaned up, it was really not working good though. I am so bummed about it. I am not proud of it. I am sure my neighbors understand, but I still feel lame.

So like when is spring?

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