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Doggie and Kitty soup

With the whole pet food scare last year and knowing what really goes into dog food and bought treats Theresa decided to start making her own to supplement the bought stuff. She saw Rachel Ray do a show on dog food, got a few books, and now makes huge batches once a month or so. They are balanced with the nutrition the dogs need. We have lots of tupperware and two freezers. The animals get dry food in the mornings, and a mixture of dry and doggie soup in the evenings.

Not gonna splain it all since she took these pics and she mixes the recipes up often, but it is usually something like this:
Meat is not uber lean and is usually a mix of pork, chicken, beef, turkey, or trimmings, and not finished cooked meat.
Veg of some sort and lots of them (some mixed in the meatballs others in the soup)
protien from beans, sunflower seeds
bread crumbs, egg, rice, and pasta.
Chicken broth watered down for the base.
Of course seasoning is not really used and bad stuff avoided. It is more of a thick stew actually.

The pups get berry muffins, chese biscuts, pupsicles, and doggie biscotti. The kitty food is lentils, chicken, veg, and broth. A dog will eat anything, but they love the soup. If you watch them eat they go for the good stuff and finish off the dry food last. They have a shine to their fur and seem healthy.










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