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Lucky Bucket Ocktoberfest

Not bad, but a bit under carbonated. Actually wanted it to be a bit more malty. Still proud Lucky Bucket is brewing in Nebraska though. Sanded down a mini protank to the brass and put a coat of copper paint on the battery shell of a K101. I have used that paint on a rocket […]

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Look at mE-Cigarettes

I loved it and am guilty of a bit of it. We should all be able to laugh at ourselves.

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DBliquids is by far our fave e juice vendor

We are just amazed by the quality and consistency of DBliquids. There is no other juice vendor who even slightly compares. We have ordered so many juices from so many vendors. Seriously, if you want to try some, swing on by. We have boxes of juices we have give up on. We will not give […]

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I picked up an IBtanked glass carto tank (top part) to sorta celebrate being tobacco free. They are not cheap, but are tough glass and work great with my K101 mech mod battery (bottom part). Went with the color swirl that made the order take a bit longer, but it looks great. Filled it up […]

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Fave vape stuff: The Vapor Chef

Quick little update. Theresa and are are both over 5 weeks tobacco free and loving it. We both are enjoying vaping as well. I figured I would make some posts about our favorite products and online retailers. The Vapor Chef is a well known premium E-Juice creator on E-cig forum and Reddit, and for good […]

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So these both sorta go together. Let me explain. About 45 days ago, lets say the beginning of June, I started getting a slightly sore throat on the right side. I really only noticed it when swallowing. I was still chewing back then, and frankly all I could think was CANCER from chewing. My neighbor […]

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testing out the Vapify FOGBANK Vapor Tank kit

I have been using this FOGBANK Vapor Tank kit from for a bit over a week now and loving it. I chatted with Bob of Vapify for a bit over an hour a bit back and decided to go with their carto tank system. The battery is the star of the kit. They wanted […]

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GNS Vapor North is now open.

It is their satellite store with a smaller selection, but really nice for folks on the north side. Picked up couple more VIVIs and a couple DCT mini tanks. So glad to see GNS doing so well. Stop in and get a starter kit. And thanks for not smoking 😉 GNS Vapor helped both of […]

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My pledge: a pic in every post, at least 5 posts a day (cept weekends), and free tiny american flags ($39.95 S&H). Seriously yall, register up and add some stupid / cool stuff here. This is a community, join into it, comment a few times and I will make you an author.

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