CAT | pc/linux
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do not mind clean junk iffin you know what I mean
3 Comments · Posted by beerorkid in mental vomit, pc/linux
^Fuggles rocking my boxers^ So since we are all domesticated we have chores split up and Theresa does the laundry while I mow and other stuff. Theresa simply cannot understand how I go through many pairs of boxers per week. I fold them when I can but if she does it she seems to mention […]
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This works awesome. When I saw this trick over at Ubuntu Snippets I was so excited to try it out. Worked fine for me. I turned off my usual scroll area and now can two finger scroll just like on a mac lappy. Awesome.
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this is just insane
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My main PC at home is a hodge podge of pieces. I used a 74 GB 10K RPM drive for my OS’s for years. It was always a pain to split that small space between XP and Ubuntu. I would run out of room often. I went through a couple 2nd hard drives over the […]
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Fun With An Old Hardrive – The most amazing home videos are here
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