Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |

CAT | pc/linux

site where you can buy World of goo is amazing and worth whatever you are willing to pay. Works on mac, PC, or linux.

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iPhone support in Ubuntu 10.04

Looking pretty cool. Must be jailbroken

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PIXLR It is hella easy to use and works for all the stuff I use an image editor/creator these days. It is fast too. Works on any OS that has a browser. I have photoshop on my PC and use pixlr instead because it is easier than starting up PS. Open is awesome

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Upgraded my computer last night. New board, memory, DVD burners, and CPU. My last processor was the end of the AMD 939 socket and it was decent, but 3 years old. Since chips are so cheap right now I decided to get the best one out right now. Holy cow it is fast. I gave […]

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wellll….. sorta

Photoshop cannot be installed directly, but works pretty good with wine and you would never know 😉 Thanks for sending this one in Jake.

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download more RAM

I have so much RAM now. Thank you download more RAM, you are awesome.

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interesting multitouch GUI, 10/GUI

10/GUI from C. Miller on Vimeo. their site 10/GUI is probably one of the most dramatic reimaginations of the desktop user interface I’ve seen in a long time. This concept proposes a multitouch interaction system that does not require a multitouch screen (and thus does not have to deal with all the problems such a […]

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Lets see your $300 MS office do this

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