Check that out there. That is kinda a healthy meal. Gene inspired me to try some new tater stuff, although we did garlic, butter, oregano, basil, and fresh parsley. Grilled up 1/2 a hormel lemon garlic pork loin. It was really good actually even if I am a little scared of all the strange ingredients in there. With some new bread I tried (more on that below)
I have gotten Theresa to agree to a no gravy week. She will be getting braces here soon, which I am sure will involve a bunch of gravy based meals. We are going to try to be a bit healthier. A lean meat, some veg, a small side salad, and some bread. With the veg we are gonna do some corn, the roasted taters, roast some carrots in the same way which we have done before and it rules, baked beans, and possibly some green beans. Bikini season is coming and I want to look good.
We did the weekly tradition of peppercorn steaks (been about 1/3 a year straight now). Lucky for me Ideal had gotten some prime grade fillets and charged the choice price. Chewing them was not necessary, they just melted. We are running back tonight to see if they have any left cuz it was that good.
The no knead bread is still so awesome every week that I decided to try it with 1/3 wheat flour. Was not as good as I expected. I am gonna try a new no knead bread called 5 minutes a day which should get me 4 days of nummy bread.
The whole bread thing is awesome and I am so glad we have been making it. Before the brown and serve rolls were standard and we grew tired of them.
Made some chicken stock from the roast chicken we had during the week. Also picked up some shank and soup bones to make beef stock. Gotta be ready for Theresa’s braces 😉
Theresa perfected her eclairs this weekend. She weighs each one while filling them, that is a bit strange to me, but works out well. No Gene they are not chocolate covered corndogs.
Tomorrow I have a desert contest here at work and those will be there as well as something I am gonna try tonight.
Oh man I need to get out for some rides.
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