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To encourage holiday giving to non-profit agencies, Mayor Chris Beutler has pledged to match every can of SPAM donated to the Food Bank of Lincoln through December 15, up to 200 cans. The Mayor said he chose SPAM for his challenge because it was one of his favorite treats when he was growing up.

“As it turns out, canned meat in general is one of the top needs of the Food Bank,” Beutler said. “As the slang term for unwanted e-mail, SPAM has kind of gotten a bad rap over the last few years. My hope is the MAYOR’S SPAM CHALLENGE will restore its good name in Lincoln and help to feed many hungry people this holiday season.”

Residents can drop off cans of SPAM at any City office, including the Mayor’s Office, as well as the “F” Street Rec Center.

“I believe the people of Lincoln have many reasons to be thankful this holiday season. I know I do,” Beutler said. “But as we count our blessings, I think it’s also important to consider those in our community who are struggling. We are very fortunate to have outstanding agencies in Lincoln who work every day to help those in need. I hope your holiday giving plans include the Food Bank, the Peoples City Mission, the Center for People in Need, the Lincoln Action Program, the Salvation Army, Matt Talbot and the others who do such great work in our community.”

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