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and the govmnt be all like “ell no you aint gonna be all advertising your free wifi up in here”

Road signs can’t point out town’s free WiFi

LOUISVILLE, Neb. – A small town’s plans to become an on-ramp to the information superhighway have run into a roadblock with the Nebraska Department of Roads.

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A traveler with a laptop or an Internet-enabled cell phone can park along Main Street, sit in the car, latch onto a wireless Internet signal and start typing.

“I do see a lot of people parked in front of our store using their laptops,” said Dana Muntz, owner of Envy Salon, 132 Main St. “By having the wireless Internet we have on Main Street, it’s a great bonus for any town to have. It’s what people want.”

Bonus or not, the merchants learned that state roads officials were not fond of the town’s effort to install promotional road signs along state Highway 50 running past Louisville.

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