Thanks for checking this site out.
I am Steve aka beerorkid
I live in Lincoln Ne
I work in IT. I am a licensed body art practitioner. I have been a donut maker, window tinter, brewmaster, bartender, pizza delivery boy, flower delivery boy, general manager of a Papa Johns pizza, waiter, bussboy, and a general freak 😉
I love to use linux and messing with computer stuff. This is my web playground.
I love to ride big wheeled bikes on dirt, bacon, beer, pinball, doggies, the flecktones, and life in general.
This site is a compliation of useless crap. Feel free to join up and comment on posts or post your own stuff after we get to know ya.
So…….. WTF is a beerorkid, what does it mean?
BorK is a variation on my very first email address. My inlaws set me up with an email address of beerorchid@AOfrickingL cuz I was a brewmaster at a local brewpub, and I love plants/flowers.
beer…orchid 😉 Well started messing around with web design and would tell people it is like “beer and the” The strange thing was people would laugh when I just said it cuz they thought I was saying “beer or kid”, I liked that. Well picked up the domain name and it started a really bad habit of mine, buying domain names. I was already offered $ for, but I just forwarede it to him for the year or so that site was up. And as far as the choice, I am currently sticking with beer 😉
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