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a tail of two mouses


I am a logitech whore when it comes to mice. I have used a logitech mouse for as long as I can remember. Theresa’s mouse at work died and I wanted a new fancy one so we worked out a deal where I would get a new one and she got my old one. I had been wondering about the big free spinning metal wheel ones and picked up a M500 for home use. The wheel is a big hunk of metal and you can set it to bee free spinning. Makes it great for tumblr, but middle clicking is totally useless in free or clicky mode. It drove me absolutely insane. I middle click more than normal click. In linux middle click is just so useful, but with that mouse it was a nightmare.

Picked up a M510 wireless and love the feel, but it is being a bit sketchy by seeming to go to sleep while I am using it or the signal drops for a fraction of a second. I will mess with it more, but can deal with it now that I can middle click.

UPDATE: moving the receiver to a new USB port away from my monitors seemed to fix the issues. I love this mouse. It is so much lighter than previous wireless ones I have used before and feels so good. At $40 I am very happy.

Check out that mouse pad. It is like an acre of room. love it. I have a slightly smaller one at work and like it, but wish it was bigger. Might as well just make my whole desk out of mousepad.

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