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a nice and clean reinstall my OS session last night

I use linux as my main OS at home, but have a windows partition for movie maker and steam games. Well I had an old 5,400 RPM 100 GB drive in there and the MBR got written to it somehow on my last install. I wanted to get that out of my system and figures I would enjoy Hardy Heron since it is pretty much done (been using it on my laptop for months).

XP was easy and so was the ubuntu install. I have a 300 GB second drive that holds all my data so there was not need to create a separate home partition. It is formatted fat32 so both OS’s can use it. After loading up the nvidia driver I set up dual screens with the nvidia settings GUI, no need to edit xorg.conf, which was really nice. Compiz is enabled by default and I bumped it up to the cube by installing CSM. I have a canon printer which has heen a headache in earlier ubuntu installs. This time it was ready to go out of the gates, drivers and all. All I had to do was click make it my default and all was well. Lets see windows do that.

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