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WWASH = While We’re All Still Here Dec 21st


WWASH = While We’re All Still Here

Eat, drink, and let your friends know that they are indeed your friends.

Get-together #5 is, once again, at Yia Yia’s — 1423 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska — on Tuesday, December 21 (the winter solstice) 7pm.

Invite yourself and anyone else you’d like to be there.
Come by for five minutes or five hours and let some of your friends see, hear, smell, touch, and/or taste that you appreciate that they’re around.

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About BorK

My pledge: a pic in every post, at least 5 posts a day (cept weekends), and free tiny american flags ($39.95 S&H). Seriously yall, register up and add some stupid / cool stuff here. This is a community, join into it, comment a few times and I will make you an author.

If you wanna contact me, it is "my username" @

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