Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



WTF letter to the editor today: “Then I drove over the creature about 10 times”

So there I am in the baffroom reading the letters to the editor. I start laughing and Theresa who must of been waiting outside the door for me to read it said something like “I know right”.

Just absolutely mind boggling to read that this morning.


While out for a walk in my neighborhood, I spotted the pretty red bird writhing in agony. He could not walk but spun around in circles, eventually hitting his head on the concrete over and over again.

Then I noticed a little sign that had been poked into the ground near the obviously dying bird. It said, “Pesticide Application — Stay Off!” ……..

Going to have to head there for the letter because LJS does not enjoy reposting of their articles for understandable reasons.

The forum is having a bit of fun with this and the comments on the LJS site are a hoot.

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