wow my site was down for a long time, that suxd
3 Comments · Posted by beerorkid in internets, random crap
Dreamhost had some severe issues all day. I still luv them, but it suxd. Heading out for a ride through wilderness which I so fricking need. Been almost a month since I have rolled the MOOTS and gosh darnit I need my church.
I promise the 5 posts a day will be kicking it here soon. Been a pretty messed up month for me.
I send out a huge thanks for you all that post here every now and then. Anything goes as long as it is not against googles codes for their adsense ads which have never paid off for me, but I have invested enough time in them I would love to see them pay off. Basically no porn and I am cool. After I get my $100 they are gone. I really would love for this place to be a community where tons of peeps post stuff all the time. Never feel meek or well BorK might not like this, just post away. I would love for it to be a community. Thanks once again.
My only thing is I might edit it to add a pic. Gosh darnit people like visuals when visiting sites. And as above will show it does not matter one bit what the pic is, it grabbs attention. Might fix links or whatever. I think there are 20 + peeps who can post and edit. I have never declined, deleted, or severely edited a single one.
Possibly a lunch meeting at roost or bread & cup sometime next week via foxspit’s idea (dude seems to love meetings of internets folk, and I am grateful). Seems like a good idea. Will post about it here soon.
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