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woot with the hookup on some lockjaw pliers


I paid $14.99.after shipping for 1 set of these pliers. But, because it was twofer Tuesday they saw a discrepancy with the whole deal and doubled everybody’s orders. So even though it was apparent you got two pliers, folks complained that it should be two sets and woot agreed. So I have two sets of two for that price.

Sometimes, the biggest mistakes can yield the biggest gifts. We somehow managed to fumble our own 2-for-Tuesday sale a couple of Tuesdays ago. But before our very eyes, that boneheaded blunder transformed itself into a gift. A gift of caring. A gift of sharing. A gift of free pliers.

That’s right – that extra Lockjaw Self-Adjusting Locking Plier set is yours to keep… to hold… to cherish.

Or, if you’re all taken care of in the holding-and-cherishing department, we ask that you share this gift. Let the sparkle of its chrome molybdenum steel bring light to the life of someone you love, or at least don’t actively hate. Share with them the delightful story about how this totally awesome web site totally gave it to you totally for free.

And then they’ll order from us, and we’ll screw their order up, and they’ll have extra stuff to give people, and so on until everybody’s really happy and we’re completely broke. We say “Plier it forward!”

BTW: They totally kick arse. The grip setting makes all the difference. They are darn good quality from what I have used then for. Just as good if not easier than visegrips.

West A Dad
a set is yours iffin you like. I will tape the last chacotaco to it 😉

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