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Wilderness Park Lincoln Ne “biker side” gmap

wilderness park lincoln ne biker side gmap

Wilderness park biker side trail map.

google earth link

I can follow most of the trail in my head, imagining every twisty turn. But looking at it from above in gmaps was a bit tricky. Zoom in, oh that looks like the trail, zoom out to get a better perspective. I follow the trail pretty good from pioneers to 14th street. Then it seems gmaps gets a bit behind the times. You cannot see any of the trail past 14th street and I cannot seem to find the EP bridge. I put in pictures where I could. Going to work on it a bunch more, but this is a start.

It is public so feel free to edit it all you want.

a little info about wilderness below.

Man where to begin. CVO over at FFL had written up an awesome guide complete with pictures. Unfortunatly it got lost when he switched accounts. i will just cover the basics and give a little advice.

Wilderness consists of 3 types of trails, hiker, biker, and bridal (horse). At certian points trails merge to get around narrow or dangerous parts. All trails are marked at splits with marking poles designating the type of trail.

It is pretty simple though. Hiker is usually on the east side of the salt creek, biker on the west side, and bridal mixed on both sides. Respecting the type of trail is pretty important. I do not want to hit a hiker on the biker side and hikers do not want to get hit by a biker on their side.

Most of the trail is pretty flat. There are a few elevation changes but there is no big hill that is hard to climb. it is very twisty, only a few areas have long straight sections. Some areas have some roots that make it a bit bumpy, but it is not too bad. Very often you will be in the vicinity of a cliff that leads down into the salt creek. In a few areas you are pretty close and a wreck could be pretty bad. Most of those are on the hiker side where bikes should not be anyway. Also many of those areas have paths that avoid the edges, use them. The trail switches from deep into the trees to open fields. There are only a few places where you might hit a tree if you get off the trail, but most is pretty clear. The trail is very hard packed dirt and varied from 8 inches to a couple yards wide and then the trail is grass / weeds on the sides of the trail. In average it is about 18 inches wide. In the open fields the trail gets small and is like a rut, this can make you get squirrly and might cause you to fall since your wheel is caught in the rut. I have gotten out of the groove and fell a few times myself.

All trails are two way on a single track. When biking you must be very aware. Keep the ipod out of your ears and listen, be vocal, announce when coming around the hundred or so blind corners. you never know when another biker hauling ass is headed right for ya around the blind corner on the 8 inch wide dirt path. Using a bell is your best defense. Saves your voice and can be heard from far away. There have been some bad collisions out there, Syd gives some advice. Also some folks will have their kids / dogs out there, you get yahoos who tear through without a care, just keep your eyes open.

The only place you have to cross a street is 14th if you decide to go that far. Past 14th is some darn cool trail that is multi use. When you get to the “EP” bridge on the south side it is pretty much done. The trail south of there is more of a road and is pretty lame and short.

If you are interested in mileage go here. And I have bunches of videos (most youtubes are dead, but there is the full quality video off my web server) and other wilderness news in my wilderness category.

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