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where we gonna go on the 6th?

bunnypanche on the internets

so looks like foxspit, jschwa, Mr wilson, Mattf, ghogan, Jake, and I are gonna meet up after work on Aug 6th. Should be pretty cool to meet some folk I have interacted on the internets with. Invitation open of course.

I am pert familiar with the bars downtown, and any one of them is cool with me. Duffy’s, Sandy’s (still have 4 drink cards left), Brothers has lots of space and good happy hour deals, Yaiyai’s rules but might be a bit busy, same with O’Rourkes. Duggan’s pub has some big tables, pool, pinball, good selection on tap, serves food in case anyone is hungry, a bike rack, and after 5 PM has plenty parking out front.

Any idears?

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